
How to make a LIMELIGHT HYDRANGEA hedge in your garden

I am going to show you the way I started this beautiful hydrangea hedge in my garden, I am located in central Indiana in Zone 5 and I chose limelight hydrangeas ( Paniculatas ) because they are hardy and beautiful in my zone.

How to make a limelight hydrangea hedge in your garden
Hydrangea Hedge Zone 5 planting

I started with plants that were already big, I bought them in 7 gallon containers and they have grown to be an spectacular part of my garden.

Watch this full video where I explain my process and thinking behind it!

Grow ginger in your cold zone! (Yes you can!)

I created this free PDF to help you grow your own ginger.

If I can do this in my home garden in Central Indiana, then I am positive

you can achieve this yourself as well!

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